July 2010 Archives

Iron Horse IPA - Mt. Pleasant Brewery

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iron_ipa.JPGIron Horse IPA has a nice cascade hop bouquet and a citrus, full body mouth feel. Slightly cloudy it pours a coppery orange, not limited to hoppy aroma it also has a great hop bitterness. As I peered into my glass the lingering head formed a continent in the amber ocean of ale. As I drew the glass down to the end I could feel disappointment mounting - this was the last of my six pack of an IPA that at times is difficult to find. While Mt. Pleasant's other brews are somewhat below average, this one is above average and it shows because it always sells out first.  

Plead the 5th - Imperial Stout

plead_the_5th.JPGDark Horse brewing in Marshall, MI makes my favorite IPA, Crooked Tree. Some of their bottled brews are not always the best. However just like Crooked Tree, Plead the 5th is an awesome ale. It pours with a minimal lacy head atop of a black sea of chocolate and with a hint of coffee. Once the head has dissipated it looks like used 10W-30 in a glass. It has a slight raisin character with the sweetest malty aroma. This has to be one of my top five imperial stouts, right up there with Black Chocolate Stout, Old Rasputin, Yeti, and Breakfast Stout. 


The Brewmaster


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