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Voting Is Now Open This Week

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Kegerator.JPGUpdate as of today September 8th, 2011. Voting is now open to choose your favorite kegerator!
Voting closes Friday, September 16, at 12pm.

So Siciliano's is having an online voting Kegerator contest this Friday over at The Buzz. It's American Idol style, finalists will be announced on Friday September 2nd. Judging for Best of show will begin September 2nd. So if you feel moved, hop on over to The Buzz (Sicilianos's Blog) and vote for your favorite. We are all a little biased over here at, but your politics, religion ,and favorite Kegerator are your business, so vote honest. is not big and evil, so unlike certain unnamed big corporations, and big governments, we respect your freedom of choice.

Wedding Homebrew

I have had a couple of friends say they were going to serve their own homebrew at their wedding. One did, and it turned out very well. Here is Chris for Austin Texas, blog tracking his days leading up to the wedding and getting the homebrew ready. The Vanilla Bourbon Porter sounds great. Too bad he lives in Texas, I'd crash the wedding just for the homebrew.

Ladies of Craft Beer

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Check out Ladies of Craft Beer. The love for brewing and good ale is not limited to white guys in Michigan. From my favorite African American Brewmaster Garrett Oliver, to Leslie Henderson or Jonathan Fischer, all kinds of people love to brew.

Mad Fermentationist

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fermentationist.jpgFor a great homebrew blog check out The Mad Fermentationist I have been a fan for a while and I was recently reminded of it by a reddit post. 

Healthy Hops

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Thanks to Alan for the link. A good beer blog continues to be one the most up-to-date, and in my humble opinion the best beer blog on the 'net. Although I continue to be impressed with some of the new ones poping up and those I have seem to have overlooked.


Another excellent beer blog is Knut Albert's. Just today I discovered Real Beer Some other popular beer blogs are Hail the ale, 1000 bars, sudspundit, The Brew Site, BeerBytes.


There are some others that are not so up to date such as Beer-the Blog. For a daily beer poem see Beer Haiku Daily.


If you frequently enjoy a beer blog that I have overlooked, contact me and I will post it, or link it.


Scientists at Oregon State University say the hops used in brewing beer contain a compound called flavonids, which neutralize "free radicals:" rogue oxygen molecules that can damage cells.


The researchers say porter, stout and ale have significantly higher levels of flavonids, when compared to lager and pilsner beers.


However, according to the study, the beneficial effect of brew may be minimal and more research is required.


"We can't say that drinking beer will help prevent cancer," says Fred Stevens, OSU assistant professor of pharmacy and scientist in the Linus Pauling Institute.

(Update May 2010. Alan is still blogging. When my site went to hell in a handbasket he offered to let me post at a good beer blog. Thanks Alan - someday we'll have to share a pint on me.)


The Brewmaster


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