Founders Harvest Ale

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Harvest Ale.JPGWow - talk about fresh hop arouma it's very unique, after a bit it almost smells like fossil fuel, I know that it sounds odd, but its really something. This is as close as you get to hops on the vine in a bottle. It has the body, and mouthfeel, of a cask ale. This is really incredible, no wonder it's so popular. It's a golden ale with a tiny (protein?) haze. A lot of breweries have a distinctive taste to their brews. But it seems that some brews manifest it more than others. This beer tastes like Founders. It has that certain indescribable something that is very detectable. Someday I will have to do a blind taste test to see if I can identify the brewery based on the taste of the ale. That would be fun. Until then try this wet-hopped ale if you can get your hands on a bottle.  

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This page contains a single entry by Brewmaster published on October 6, 2011 7:59 PM.

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